
A Weekend of StickonStump

This past weekend I spent PUSHING POSITIVITY with #StickonStump at the 2019 Kohler's Women's Expo, downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan, at Devos Place. It was a huge event with a huge crowd, and it went very well for getting Mr. Stickly and his message out to the masses. One of the things that totally makes #StickonStump worth doing is getting feedback from people. At the expo event, even if people were not buying, and simply stopping by the table to check things out, it brought a big warm smile to my face when they'd express a big warm smile and words of encouragement. The affirmation from people stating we need more positivity in our lives was astounding yet not surprising, and the reason for #StickonStump remains clear in my mind and heart: WE NEED MORE POSITIVITY. WE NEED KINDNESS AND STRENGTH TO MOVE FORWARD. And we cannot do this alone, and do not need to do this alone. Which is another reason for #StickonStump... he's here, I'm here, as a friend, new or o...

You are meant to be YOU

I think sometimes the world desires us to be someone we are not. Do this. Do that. Be this, not that. You can lose your true self in all that. Be who you are. Dream big. Aspire to do great things or little things...what makes you happy, what gives you life, what feeds your spirit. Don't listen to the big world out there, you be you, because you are awesome. You are. Don't tell yourself any different.

The Holidays, for Me

As I've grown older, and have had time to sit back and watch and ponder these things, and see the forest for the trees, recognized things for what they are and what they mean, and perhaps what they truly should mean, I've come to this opine (and the opinion is only my own): CHRISTMAS IS FOR THE CHILDREN CHRISTMAS IS FOR FAMILY CHRISTMAS IS TO RECALL AND REINVIGORATE ONE'S FAITH CHRISTMAS IS A TIME TO SIT BACK, TAKE A BREATH, RECALL THE YEAR AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO IN THE COMING YEAR # Simple truth: I have more than enough. I don't need gifts, I need to give more. I want to see the wonder and magic in the eyes of the children, those who have or had nothing, those who are our future and should have a moment of pure joy, and perhaps, be heaped upon a few loving gifts to tell them THEY ARE LOVED. Simple truth: I have more than enough and don't need a bunch of STUFF. It's nice and a bit fun to have STUFF but how much STUFF do I real...

Never Be Afraid

Tis Halloween, a day for Trick or Treating, and hopefully both. It is a day you can dress up however you want, and have a little fun. It is a DAY TO BE DIFFERENT. While it is a day to be different on the outside, it is also a great day to decide to be different on the inside. I keep saying it, I know: the world is a crazy place. There has been turmoil and chaos and hate in the past, just like there is today. The TRICK is to look at yourself on the inside and ask WHO AM I? and WILL I LET THESE CRAZY DAYS TAKE ME DOWN A DARK PATH OR THE BRIGHTER, HEALTHIER PATH OF POSITIVE? Rough times bring out the best and strongest of people. YOU ARE ONE OF THE STRONG. We are friends and family here, acquaintances on this road called LIFE. We are strong together, and you are with me, and I am with you. We won't fear the night, because night is part of the day, and the day is part of this thing called LIFE. And we will walk together. You are not alone, and we won't be afraid. ...

Divine Intervention, or Right Place at Right Time, or Divine Intervention

The day hadn't been so bad. It had actually been a decent Monday, work-wise. However, knowing the wife was in pain, in a bad way, and her feeling like a whole lot of bad (health-wise) was happening to her (and it was), and then getting the news my oldest boy had been kicked in the face, accidentally, during gym class while playing soccer, busting a tooth out of his skull... More pain. More bad times. And then feeling a little stress and strain of the world and LIFE leaning down upon me in general... The end of day, as I got out of work, I was feeling a little down, a little low. A lot of stuff going on, and the weight of it crushing down on me at day's end. I felt pretty glum as I got onto the expressway, heading home in heavy traffic. As I pulled onto the main throughway that would bring me to my HOME exit, half-paying attention, I looked at the car in front of me, who was going fairly slow, due to a big semi-truck and trailer in front of him/her. I glanced up at the b...


You have the right to be happy. Some of us don't feel like it. Some of us feel like we go through life, day to day, ground under someone's heel, wrapped around the proverbial axle, dragged through minutes and hours of the day, and that bad luck runs rampant in our lives... ...So, basically, it seems, we don't have the right to be happy. We don't have a right to be happy because of all the bad juju that befalls us or seems to keep crushing down on our heads. That's bullshirt! YOU DO HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HAPPY. Yup. You do have a right to be happy. But how can I be happy? I am a statue in the Park of Life and the pigeons keep dropping their white dookie on my head, shoulders, and all over me!! I hope I don't offend you by my simple #StickonStump answer. IT IS OFTEN UP TO YOU TO PUT YOURSELF IN THAT HAPPY, RIGHTFUL STATE. Listen. I myself do not wake up every morning going HUZZAH! IT'S GOING TO BE A GRAND AND GLORIOUS MUTHAFRICKIN' DAY. No no n...

An Interview with #StickonStump

#StumponStick Interview By Peter Welmerink I met STICK on a day that I was very depressed. Facebook was driving me crazy with all the political rants and warring factions who used to be friends. Twitter. No. Nightly news. God no! Work was plowing me under. I needed a pick-me-up. And then I met STICK. He said: “Listen, dude, you gotta shellax. You are waaay too wrapped around the world’s axle. Let me take you to my favorite spot in the woods, and share some of my wisdom and thoughts with you.” The rest is history. Sit back. Relax. Release your cares of and for the world and life, and hang out with #StickonStump for a bit. # PJW: People have mentioned that you remind them a lot of THE THINKER. What are your thoughts on that. #SoS: The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin. He’s a stature. I’m a stick. Stick on a stump. PJW: People (mainly the grammatically correct) have said #stickonstump is not grammatical...