Divine Intervention, or Right Place at Right Time, or Divine Intervention

The day hadn't been so bad. It had actually been a decent Monday, work-wise. However, knowing the wife was in pain, in a bad way, and her feeling like a whole lot of bad (health-wise) was happening to her (and it was), and then getting the news my oldest boy had been kicked in the face, accidentally, during gym class while playing soccer, busting a tooth out of his skull... More pain. More bad times. And then feeling a little stress and strain of the world and LIFE leaning down upon me in general...

The end of day, as I got out of work, I was feeling a little down, a little low. A lot of stuff going on, and the weight of it crushing down on me at day's end. I felt pretty glum as I got onto the expressway, heading home in heavy traffic.

As I pulled onto the main throughway that would bring me to my HOME exit, half-paying attention, I looked at the car in front of me, who was going fairly slow, due to a big semi-truck and trailer in front of him/her.

I glanced up at the back of the truck...AND MY EYES OPENED WIDE.

On the rear trailer door to my right, about halfway up, in big letters, was the simple statement JUST BELIEVE.


Ummmmm...even considering I wasn't totally in dire straights, seeing that MESSAGE on the back of that random truck (random in my life), it jolted me like grabbing a empty light socket, powered up, with wet hands.


OK. We're not going to get all religious, or perhaps we are. Whatever floats your Faith boat or not. Whatever your opinion is, is fine...

But this wasn't the first time A MESSAGE like this has revealed itself. And as I am a Christian and believe in God on a majority of my good AND bad days, I don't know, folks. This was just toooooo coincidental.

Either way, it struck a cord with me, and re-tuned my depressed state to one of HOPE.

Yes, I would and do believe. I believe it is up to us the majority of the time to make the day what it is or what it can be, even if we are feeling down and/or unhealthy. We have to believe that we will make it down that rough road, on that rainy, dreary day, and come out with a little sunshine and smooth roadbed before us.

WE HAVE TO BELIEVE because not believing in  a better day, a better time, a better tomorrow, is a very dark path that is a poison to the soul and to your life.

For whatever reason THAT truck just so happened to be on THAT road, during THAT time of the day, while I was struggling with a dark THAT kind of mood, and revealing THAT message...

Divine intervention or just crazy luck coincidence?

I'll keep my decision to myself, but... What do you think?

Keep moving forward.

Peter and Mr Stickly


  1. DIVINE intervention. He is a great, almighty God. He planned that that truck, after all it traveled all day, to be in font of you at just the right time. And He did it because He loves you.


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