You have the right to be happy. Some of us don't feel like it. Some of us feel like we go through life, day to day, ground under someone's heel, wrapped around the proverbial axle, dragged through minutes and hours of the day, and that bad luck runs rampant in our lives...
...So, basically, it seems, we don't have the right to be happy. We don't have a right to be happy because of all the bad juju that befalls us or seems to keep crushing down on our heads.
That's bullshirt!
YOU DO HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HAPPY. Yup. You do have a right to be happy.
But how can I be happy? I am a statue in the Park of Life and the pigeons keep dropping their white dookie on my head, shoulders, and all over me!!
I hope I don't offend you by my simple #StickonStump answer.
Listen. I myself do not wake up every morning going HUZZAH! IT'S GOING TO BE A GRAND AND GLORIOUS MUTHAFRICKIN' DAY. No no no, far from many a day. BUT, you know what, I have more or less trained myself to turn that crud morning mood around AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and tell myself: I'M GONNA FACE THIS DAY AND ROCK THIS MUTHA!
Yeah, often times I get trampled and stomped to a pulp straight out of the gate even on those good days but, you know what, I keep work on busting that statue mold and waving (swatting perhaps) those poopin' pigeons away from me, and I keep walking onward, keep moving forward.
You have the RIGHT TO BE HAPPY. No one is necessarily going to provide you with it every day, every minute. Sometimes you need to make your own happiness, be it taking a break and going outside and breathing the air, or re-purchasing a favorite childhood toy and having a little playtime away from prying eyes. :)
It's up to you to put your best foot forward, to pursue and find and create good, happy surroundings. Try to do this because, heck yes, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HAPPY.
...So, basically, it seems, we don't have the right to be happy. We don't have a right to be happy because of all the bad juju that befalls us or seems to keep crushing down on our heads.
That's bullshirt!
YOU DO HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HAPPY. Yup. You do have a right to be happy.
But how can I be happy? I am a statue in the Park of Life and the pigeons keep dropping their white dookie on my head, shoulders, and all over me!!
I hope I don't offend you by my simple #StickonStump answer.
Listen. I myself do not wake up every morning going HUZZAH! IT'S GOING TO BE A GRAND AND GLORIOUS MUTHAFRICKIN' DAY. No no no, far from many a day. BUT, you know what, I have more or less trained myself to turn that crud morning mood around AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and tell myself: I'M GONNA FACE THIS DAY AND ROCK THIS MUTHA!
Yeah, often times I get trampled and stomped to a pulp straight out of the gate even on those good days but, you know what, I keep work on busting that statue mold and waving (swatting perhaps) those poopin' pigeons away from me, and I keep walking onward, keep moving forward.
You have the RIGHT TO BE HAPPY. No one is necessarily going to provide you with it every day, every minute. Sometimes you need to make your own happiness, be it taking a break and going outside and breathing the air, or re-purchasing a favorite childhood toy and having a little playtime away from prying eyes. :)
It's up to you to put your best foot forward, to pursue and find and create good, happy surroundings. Try to do this because, heck yes, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HAPPY.
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