The Holidays, for Me

As I've grown older, and have had time to sit back and watch and ponder these things, and see the forest for the trees, recognized things for what they are and what they mean, and perhaps what they truly should mean, I've come to this opine (and the opinion is only my own): CHRISTMAS IS FOR THE CHILDREN CHRISTMAS IS FOR FAMILY CHRISTMAS IS TO RECALL AND REINVIGORATE ONE'S FAITH CHRISTMAS IS A TIME TO SIT BACK, TAKE A BREATH, RECALL THE YEAR AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO IN THE COMING YEAR # Simple truth: I have more than enough. I don't need gifts, I need to give more. I want to see the wonder and magic in the eyes of the children, those who have or had nothing, those who are our future and should have a moment of pure joy, and perhaps, be heaped upon a few loving gifts to tell them THEY ARE LOVED. Simple truth: I have more than enough and don't need a bunch of STUFF. It's nice and a bit fun to have STUFF but how much STUFF do I real...