Never Be Afraid

Tis Halloween, a day for Trick or Treating, and hopefully both. It is a day you can dress up however you want, and have a little fun. It is a DAY TO BE DIFFERENT. While it is a day to be different on the outside, it is also a great day to decide to be different on the inside. I keep saying it, I know: the world is a crazy place. There has been turmoil and chaos and hate in the past, just like there is today. The TRICK is to look at yourself on the inside and ask WHO AM I? and WILL I LET THESE CRAZY DAYS TAKE ME DOWN A DARK PATH OR THE BRIGHTER, HEALTHIER PATH OF POSITIVE? Rough times bring out the best and strongest of people. YOU ARE ONE OF THE STRONG. We are friends and family here, acquaintances on this road called LIFE. We are strong together, and you are with me, and I am with you. We won't fear the night, because night is part of the day, and the day is part of this thing called LIFE. And we will walk together. You are not alone, and we won't be afraid. ...